7 Charged In Illegal Transfers
Jerry Seper, Washington Times, July 2, 2004
Seven officers and employees of two New Jersey companies were arrested yesterday on charges of using their businesses to illegally transfer sensitive national-security items to state-sponsored research institutes in China.
U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokesman Dean Boyd said criminal complaints filed in U.S. District Court in Camden, N.J., charge that the officers and employees at two closely held companies, Universal Technologies Inc. (UTI) and Manten Electronics Inc., violated U.S. export laws.
Mr. Boyd said the arrests were the result of a joint investigation by ICE, the FBI and the Commerce Department.
According to the complaints, investigators say those arrested were illegally exporting items used in a wide variety of defense weapons systems, including radar, smart weapons, electronic warfare and communications.
The complaints describe schemes in which the officers and employees used various techniques to conceal their activities, including false statements that recipients were U.S. corporations and improperly certifying shipping documents.
Mr. Boyd said all seven New Jersey residents were arrested yesterday morning at their residences or places of work. Each was taken for an initial appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Joel B. Rosen at the federal courthouse in Camden. He said investigators executed search warrants for two businesses and three s in Camden and Burlington counties and seized six bank accounts.
Those charged from Universal Technologies were President Teng Fang Li, 63, of Cherry Hill; Vice President Zhonghe Ji, 41, also of Cherry Hill; and employee Ronge Tong, 37, of Voorhees. Each faces one count of conspiracy, violation of the Export Administration Act regulations and wire fraud.
Charged from Manten were President Xu Weibo, 37; purchasing agent Xiu Ling Chen, 33; Vice President Hao Li Chen, 28; and Controller Kwan Chun Chan, 28, all of Mount Laurel. They face one count each of conspiracy, violation of the Export Administration Act regulations and wire fraud.
Mr. Boyd said the export violations carry a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $1 million fine, and that each count of conspiracy and wire fraud carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
Five of the defendants are naturalized U.S. citizens, and two are legal permanent residents.
Comments from Readers
From: John Ruskin
It is really long past time for the US Gov’mint to take seriously the National Security threat posed by immigration. I wouldn’t be surprised if ‘Hispanics’ on our campuses are smuggling sensitive information to Mexico.
From: T Swenson
We need to start executing people who are spies and spy-like activities.
The Chinese are constantly engaged in stealing our technology– it’s time to gas some of them and send the rest back. —————————————– Did you know that the good ol’ USA educates 100,000’s of Chinese students in America every year? —– yet OUR government says we can’t and don’t have the ‘resources’ to educate the people (WHITES) who live here?
From: Roger
Looks like these are Chinese patriots, hats off to them. But why were they allowed access to sensative information in the first place?
The real traitors in this story is the policy-makers who allowed a situation to exist where people with foreign allegiances were allowed to get this close.
From: Drew
I don’t doubt for a second that China will continue to get Chinese to gather information for them whether they be first, second, third generation American or later.
From: Jacques Danielson
“The Chinese are constantly engaged in stealing our technology”
During the Clinton era, the entire U.S. patent record was placed on CDROMs and given to the Chinese.
From: Dave
If this story gets enough publicity San Fransico may have a new reason to hold a parade. Remeber, diversity is our strength at all costs.
This problem only seems to get worse with time. I suspect that imigrants/nonwhites are more likely to accept foreign bribes than whites. With this many people involed I suspect bribes were taken.
This just adds one more problem to the “war on terror”. I mean how thin can we stretch our national security organisations, and how much will it cost us?
From: In Occupied L.A.
If our white politicians weren’t so amenable to taking bribes we wouldn’t find this type of thing happening. Its origin goes all the way back to the people who wrote and pushed for the Immigration Act of 1965 and to this day fight to destroy America.
If the Asians are so smart, why do they constantly have to steal or copy technology invented by whites?