Posted on March 23, 2021

Sights and Sounds: Chaos in Florida

AR Staff, American Renaissance, March 23, 2021

People on spring break in Miami Beach should have heeded John Derbyshire’s warnings from 2012:

The crime and chaos over the last few days in Miami Beach have been so bad the city imposed curfews and made scores of arrests.

Meanwhile, two black men on vacation in Miami Beach drugged a white woman, then raped her, and left her unconscious in a hotel room, where she died. Then they stole “her phone, cash and credit cards which they then used as they carried on partying in the spring break hotspot.”

Christine Englehardt

Christine Englehardt

Dorian Taylor

Dorian Taylor

Evoire Collier

Evoire Collier

The media that lavished attention on the victims of the massage-parlor shooting in Atlanta several days ago have all but ignored Christine Englehardt.