Rushton Tells His Own Story: Part I May 27, 2020 The years before his fateful meeting with Arthur Jensen.
What Science Can Tell Us about Race, Gender, and Class Differences February 10, 2020 National Review's sensible review of Human Diversity.
Adoption Study That Was to Prove Arthur Jensen Wrong Proves Him Right October 22, 2019 Dr. Jensen's detractors only strengthened his theories.
Superior: The Return of Race Science — A Review June 5, 2019 Critical review of a book on the current state of the scientific study of race.
The Heritability of Self-Control: A Meta-Analysis February 26, 2019 The overall heritability of self-discipline is 60 percent.
How Illusions are Maintained January 13, 2019 The Washington Post shamelessly distorts scientific findings.
What Twins Can Teach Us About Nature vs. Nurture August 21, 2018 Seventy-five percent of variation in IQ is attributable to genes.
Seeing Double: Serbia Twins Study Probes Whether IQ Is Innate July 9, 2018 Another study shows intelligence is "largely determined by certain genetic factors."
She Has Her Mother’s Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity — A Review July 5, 2018 Book grapples with the political inconveniences of genetics.
Why Race Matters December 10, 2017 A philosopher’s elegant and compelling dissection of the race problem.
Race and Intelligence: The Evidence July 9, 2017 Scientific data show that the races differ in intelligence — dogma holds otherwise.
Breakthrough in Understanding the Genetic Contribution to Intelligence March 7, 2017 Rare mutations contribute to individual differences in personality and IQ.
It’s Now Possible, in Theory, to Predict Life Success from a Genetic Test at Birth September 14, 2016 "[I]gnorance and denial are no longer an option."
One of the Fastest Growing Fields in Science Still Makes a Lot of People Very Uncomfortable July 25, 2016 Behavioral genetics gives the lie to blank slate fantasy.
Scientists Herald ‘Tipping Point’ in Ability to Predict Academic Achievement from DNA July 19, 2016 10 percent of the variation in academic achievement can now be explained by genes.
Is Crime Genetic? Scientists Don’t Know Because They’re Afraid to Ask March 8, 2016 Some have even called for an end to twin-studies related to crime.
Are There Genes for Intelligence — And Is It Racist to Ask? December 23, 2015 Cap: As usual, liberals are afraid of the truth.
Genes Influence Academic Ability Across All Subjects, Latest Study Shows July 24, 2015 Study of 12,500 twins finds academic performance is between 54 and 65 percent heritable.
The Etiologic Role of Genetic and Environmental Factors in Criminal Behavior January 6, 2015 Criminal behavior has a heritability of 39 to 56 percent in men.
Holding a Mirror to Their Natures August 26, 2014 Researchers critique one criticism of twins studies.
Same Genes Drive Mathematics and Reading Ability July 9, 2014 Study confirms genes account for "most of the differences" in learning ability.
Toddlers’ Aggression Is Strongly Associated with Genetic Factors, Study Reports January 21, 2014 So is adult aggression.
Twins Study Confirms Genetic Role in Political Belief December 16, 2013 Skeptics of previous studies were probably genetically-predisposed to emphasize environment.
Are Our Political Beliefs Encoded in Our DNA? October 2, 2013 The New York Times discovers twin studies.
Genetics, Personality, and Race July 8, 2011 Article from 1993 describes then-emerging studies on genetics' role in personality.
No Two of Us Are Alike — Even Identical Twins April 1, 2011 If this is true, genes are even more powerful than we thought.
Advocacy by Omission: Richard E. Nisbett’s Intelligence and How to Get It January 27, 2010 Phil Rushton sets the record straight.
The Seeds of Conflict April 24, 2009 Genetic Similarity Theory explains the conflicts that baffle statesmen.
Study Gives More Proof That Intelligence Is Largely Inherited March 19, 2009 Genes determine brain's processing speed more than "was previously though."
Political Views May Be Genetically Influenced, Twin Study Shows February 7, 2008 Identical twins more likely to agree than fraternal twins.
The Twins Brought Up on Either Side of the Iron Curtain . . . But Who Lived Identical Lives December 21, 2007 Sisters did not meet until they were adults, yet are very much alike.
Dissecting the IQ Debate: A Response to William Saletan’s Series on Race and IQ. December 5, 2007 More back-pedaling.
Race, Genes, and Intelligence November 19, 2007 It’s time to prepare for the possibility that equality of intelligence is not true.
Infant Twins Have Different Skin Color October 30, 2006 Black and white fraternal twins born to mixed race mother and white father.
Wanted: More Race Realism, Less Moralistic Fallacy December 8, 2005 Recent research shows black-white intelligence differences 80 percent genetic.
Genes Contribute to Patriotism and Group Loyalty November 14, 2005 People get along better the more genes they have in common, says J. P. Rushton.