Is the Right Really Breaking Up with Its Racists? April 17, 2012 This may be some kind of record for the amount of foolishness accumulated in one place.
Crimethink and Thinking Ability January 31, 2012 Steve Sailer on "the latest from the scientific frontlines in the IQ wars."
PISA Scores Show Demography Is Destiny In Education Too — But Washington Doesn’t Want You to Know December 20, 2010 The truth might make people think about immigration.
Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also . . . Homicide-Prone Minorities in Los Angeles February 8, 2010 Who's killing whom in Los Angeles.
Lahn: “Let’s Celebrate Human Genetic Diversity” October 14, 2009 What if the race realists are right?
Graduate School Admissions, Race, and the White Status Game April 7, 2009 Who gets the highest scores? No surprises.
1990s FHA Mortgage Default Rates by Ethnicity February 11, 2009 Hispanic default rate three times that of whites; blacks, more than twice.
Obama’s “Civil Rights” Vision: Quotas, Increased Crime, More Socialism April 14, 2008 Obama’s lifelong business: giving to blacks and taking from whites.
MainStream Media Won’t Ask Obama Those Nasty Paul-Type Questions. But Shelby Steele Could! January 22, 2008 Barack Obama's not exactly what the media pretend he is.
Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also . . . 2006’s Demographic Death Spiral December 10, 2007 In 2006, all the bad trends got worse; the goods ones reversed.
La Raza’s Lapdogs June 22, 2007 Immigration debate illustrates what is wrong with American political discourse.
Average IQ By State: Honest Numbers At Last October 24, 2006 Revisiting the correlation between voting patterns and IQ.
Race And Conservatism Debated At The Robert A. Taft Club (No Thanks To The Leadership Institute) September 8, 2006 Event underscores the need for free and open public discussion of race.
Before the White Man Came? War July 27, 2006 New book debunks myth of the "noble savage"--and affirms the reality of race.
Letter to The American Conservative February 21, 2006 Jared Taylor takes issue with the contention that whites are not capable of racial consciousness.
“Citizenism” vs. White Nationalism: A Second Reply to Steve Sailer November 9, 2005 Why did the white man go from warrior and conqueror to liberal and loser?
Sailer vs. Taylor, Round II — “Citizenism” vs. White Nationalism October 10, 2005 Whites are too nice for nationalism, says pundit.
The Color of Crime and the New Orleans Nightmare: George W. Bush vs. Jared Taylor September 19, 2005 Columnist likes our report, but disagrees with our principles.
Pre-emptive Executions? May 6, 2005 Was the legalization of abortion the reason crime fell in the 1990s?
The Iron Fist In the Velvet Glove Of “Diversity” April 28, 2005 Discrimination lawsuits prompt companies to impose racial quotas on themselves.
GOP Web Sites Suppress Immigration Debate March 10, 2005 Restrictionists are not allowed to publish articles on mainstream "conservative" sites.
Mapping The Unmentionable: Race and Crime February 14, 2005 Steve Sailer reviews rates of imprisonment by race.
Preventing Kid Prejudice: The Sailer (One Point) Plan February 7, 2005 It's a myth that children have to be taught to notice race.
Gonzales Useless On Immigration, Quotas January 10, 2005 Alberto Gonzales favors quotas and defends non-enforcement of immigration laws.
International Test Scores December 13, 2004 Blacks and Hispanics responsible for American's poor showing in recent math test.
Baby Gap December 10, 2004 The more children whites have, the more likely they are to vote Republican.
Steve Sailer: Total White Fertility Best Predictor Of Bush Vote November 29, 2004 The more children a white person has, the more likely he is to vote Republican.
Football IQs November 18, 2004 Quarterbacks and offensive linemen are the smartest--and whitest--football players.
Bush Didn’t Win 44% of Hispanic Vote — The Smoking Exit Poll November 11, 2004 Two experts argue that exit polls on Hispanic voters were flawed.
The Pygmies of the Andaman Islands November 1, 2004 Andamanese women have such large buttocks that they can stand toddlers on them.
Ethnic Electorate: Myths and Realities October 19, 2004 The belief that Republicans must appeal to non-whites proves journalists' innumeracy.
“You Have To Tell The Truth”: The Bell Curve After Ten Years October 14, 2004 Today's mainstream conservatives refuse to acknowledge the great book's insights.
Where Dawkins Fears To Tread: Ethnic Nepotism And The Reality Of Race October 6, 2004 Political correctness restricts the eminent biologist's view of race.
Importing A New Underclass: More Evidence August 24, 2004 Steve Sailer shows even American-born Hispanics underperform whites in school.