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November 23, 2005

GOP Hopefuls Oppose Initiative Michigan Daily (Ann Arbor)

Most Republican candidates oppose anti-racial preference Michigan Civil Rights Initiative.

Hispanic Heartland Tribune-Review (Pittsburgh)

Hispanics displace whites in Nebraska town, thanks to Tyson Foods.
November 22, 2005

Who Gets the Organs? Newsweek Magazine

Many blacks wrongly believe organ donation system suffers from "institutional racism."
November 21, 2005

Inheriting a Nation Monitor (McAllen, Tex.)

Bill that would end birthright citizenship has 60 co-sponsors in House.

The New White Flight Wall Street Journal (New York City)

Whites in California pull their children out of schools that are too Asian.
November 18, 2005

Outsourcing Outrage San Francisco Chronicle

American tirades "traumatize" Indian call-center workers.
November 17, 2005
November 16, 2005

America the Uneducated Business Week

US education level will decline as Hispanic share of the population grows.

Gardener Ad Plants Controversy KGET-TV (Bakersfield, Cal.)

Gardening company's ad says their employees speak English; Hispanics think that's "racist."
November 15, 2005

Slighted in the Suburbs Chicago Sun-Times

Middle-class Chicago blacks could live around whites, but prefer their own kind.