Meloni Postpones Migrant Taxi NGO Regulations Until 2023 as Landings Continue
Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, December 26, 2022
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has announced that the new security decree to regulate the activities of migrant taxi NGOs will not come into force until early next year, as over 100,000 migrants have entered illegally this year.
Prime Minister Meloni announced that the new decree would not be discussed on December 28th as originally planned in the Council of Ministers but would be postponed until the beginning of next year.
While the decree will regulate the activities of migrant taxi NGOs, it also looks to promote deportations and simplify asylum applications. According to Meloni, the delay is because she wants to personally take the time to go over the document and assess it herself, Il Giornale reports.
The new decree is set to enforce new regulations on the activities of migrant taxi NGOs, which have been responsible for bringing over 10,000 migrants to Italy this year as they patrol the Mediterranean Sea looking for migrant boats.