Posted on May 10, 2022

Immigrants Without Legal Status Will Get Licenses After Veto Proof Senate Vote

Matthew Medsger, Boston Herald, May 6, 2022

Immigrants without legal status had reason to celebrate Thursday, when the state’s Senate passed a driver’s license bill advocates say will allow them to drive safely and without fear of doing so illegally.


The Work and Family Mobility Act moved through the senate by a veto proof majority, 32-8, with each of 15 amendments offered by Republican Minority Leader Bruce Tarr rejected in turn.


According to Tarr, the ramifications of granting licenses to those without legal status will be felt in more places than traffic, an outcome he reminded his colleagues to consider.


Several of Tarr’s amendments offered ways to distinguish between a license granted to a person with legal status and a person without. Senators rejected those amendments as an easy means of prejudicing those without legal status.

“There is really no need for anyone to know what the citizenship status is of the drivers that plan to earn a driver’s license under this bill,” Sen. Brendan Crighton said.
