Posted on October 30, 2020

Leaked Document: Leftists Fear Trump May Win Minnesota, Plot Post-Election ‘Mass Mobilization’

Joshua Klein, Breitbart, October 29, 2020

A leaked confidential document obtained by Breitbart News reveals that a coalition of left-wing groups in Minnesota, fearing a possible Trump win, is preparing for post-election mass unrest while planning to execute wide scale “strategic disruption.”

Led by TakeAction Minnesota, described as a “hub for Minnesota’s progressive movement,” the groups warn of a need for mass mobilization in a recently leaked highly confidential document circulating among the group’s leadership and intended as a prep guide for the coming weeks.

“We believe that regardless of the strength of the Minnesota election system, mass mobilization will and must happen in Minnesota to defend democracy,” the leaked document reads.

“We expect that this mobilization will create space and opportunity for unrest, primarily in Minneapolis. In this context, the situation could rapidly spiral beyond control depending on the nature of the unrest and the State’s reaction.”

In an effort to shift responsibility for violence to others, the groups point to the right, as well as the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD), for the possibility of inciting or enabling violence, for which they must be prepared.

“The possibility of right-wing violence is real, as is the possibility of MPD inciting or enabling violence,” the document warns, adding that the MPD is “either disengaged or instigating tension” during and since the “uprising” immediately following the murder of George Floyd.


TakeAction Minnesota was at the forefront of the protest movement sparked by the killing of George Floyd, demanding the MPD be dismantled and helping spark the nationwide demands to “defund the police.” Following pressure from the group, a veto-proof majority of the City Council pledged to dismantle the Police Department, while promising to create a new system of public safety in the city that is underway.

The groups anticipate outcomes ranging from inconclusive results, to a refusal of Trump to accept results (if defeated), to himself suspected of election interference (if he wins).

In the event of President Trump’s re-election, the document calls for “strategic disruption” through mobilizing masses to take to the streets.

TakeAction Minnesota, a nonprofit founded in 2006, is a coalition of 20 different organizations, including labor unions and advocacy groups for left-wing causes, and claims hundreds of thousands of members ready to be activated. It describes itself as a “multi-racial people’s organization building power for a government and economy that works for all of us.”


The groups describe their role from Election Day to Inauguration Day as entailing: collecting and sharing information; prepare their organizations and members with “tools, skills and messaging needed to organize and mobilize quickly, safely and effectively;” connecting and supporting collective resourcing efforts at a larger scale; and coordinating with national efforts in case of regions “that might be more directly contested than ours.”

Other tasks include advancing a public narrative that counteracts “what will definitely be an attack on protestors and violent backlash that will be increased by that” and coordinating with allied elected officials and former candidates to “broker in back-end negotiations with the DFL [Minnesota’s Democratic Party] and elected officials, with the express purpose of bringing a progressive frame” that lifts up “people power.”

According to the document, the groups’ planned activities correspond to three distinct phases: from now until Election Day, whereby they respond to “pre-election voter suppression and de-legitimacy work by Trump and the GOP” while preparing for the next phase; the ten days following Election Day, whereby they immediately respond to the election through mass mobilization efforts due to the anticipation that “Trump and the GOP will use institutional capacity to control election information and manipulate the results;” and the final “speculative” phase which follows, to be revisited in the future.


The system being built by the groups is quite a serious one, involving both detail and complexity.


The groups also aim to create a massive “tent” of supporters.

“We need a bigger tent than even the biggest we have built before,” the document proclaims as it elaborates on the goal to obtain their demands and create the world they seek through “joyful rebellion.”
