Posted on August 13, 2019

MSNBC Panelist on Most White People: ‘Destroy Them’

David Marcus, Federalist, August 12, 2019


In a feisty segment on Sunday’s “A.M. Joy,” Elie Mystal of Above the Law made an inflammatory comment in which he said white people who voted for Donald Trump should be destroyed. This came after a segment in which he argued there is no moral difference between avowed white supremacists and any white person who votes for Trump.

In the clip, host Joy Reid asked how those who are “drugged” by the president’s rhetoric should be communicated to and convinced they are wrong. That’s when Mystal got even more heated, saying:

“You don’t communicate to them, you beat them. You beat them. They are not a majority of this country — the majority of white people in this country are not a majority of the country. All the people who are not fooled by this need to come together, go to the polls, go to the protests, do whatever you have to do. You do not negotiate with these people, you destroy them.”

Ironically, this comment came on the same day the New York Times ran a piece arguing that Fox News is inciting white supremacist violence by using words such as “invasion” to describe the situation at the border. A double standard is at work here, and it has become increasingly blatant throughout Trump’s presidency. When his supporters use fiery language and hyperbole, it is incitement to violence, but when progressives do the same thing, it is justified outrage.


Furthermore, Mystal fails to mention that Trump got nearly 30% of the Hispanic vote in 2016. {snip} His misleading effort to make it seem as though only white people voted for Trump erases millions and millions of nonwhite voters.
