Posted on February 11, 2019

Dickinson College Student Newspaper: ‘Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?’

Alana Mastrangelo, Breitbart, February 8, 2019


An op-ed entitled, “Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?” was published Thursday in the student newspaper for Dickinson College, The Dickinsonian. In the piece, the author expresses her frustration with “white boys” being allowed to share their opinions with others.

The author, Leda Fisher, argues that males who have names such as “Jake, Chad, or Alex” have been taught that their voices are the “most important,” but that after listening to these individuals speak, Fisher has decided that not only do these voices lack value, they should also be silenced.

“American society tells men, but especially white men, that their opinions have merit and that their voice is valuable,” writes Fisher, “but after four years of listening to white boys in college, I am not so convinced.”


“I am so g****mned tired of listening to white boys,” continues the author, “I cannot describe to you how frustrating it is to be forced to listen to a white boy explain his take on the Black experience in the Obama-era.”


“Should white boys still be allowed to share their ‘opinions’? Should we be forced to listen? In honor of Black History Month, I’m gonna go with a hell no,” concluded Fisher, adding that all of the “Chrises, Ryans, Olivers, and Seans out there” should “try listening from now on.”

Many readers of the student newspaper left negative comments on the article, arguing that the writer is bigoted.


“Nice article Leda, but I think it’s time we consider exterminating white men altogether,” said another reader.
