MSNBC’s Joy Reid Calls Rural Voters ‘Core Threat to Our Democracy’
Douglas Ernst, Washington Times, November 27, 2017
A recent article by the Wall Street Journal had MSNBC’s Joy Reid declaring rural Americans “the core threat to our democracy” over the weekend.
The host of “AM Joy” followed up her recent claim that the National Rifle Association seeks to create a landscape littered with murderous “warlords” with a new prediction over Thanksgiving: Rural voters will become de facto tyrants by 2040.
One element of writer Gerald F. Seib’s piece mentioned that 70 percent of Americans are expected to live in the 15 largest states by 2040. That reality, if it came to fruition, would create a scenario where “the remaining 30 percent of Americans will have 70 senators representing them.”
“The rural minority {snip} have and will continue to have disproportionate power over the urban majority,” Ms. Reid continued.

Joy Reid