Posted on April 28, 2017

Mayor Claims Conservatives Have Engineered the Animosity Against Berkeley, Wonders if He Were White . . .

Brett T., Twitchy, April 27, 2017

Mayor Jesse Arreguin

Mayor Jesse Arreguin

Ann Coulter’s speech that was supposed to have been delivered at UC Berkeley Thursday night was canceled (allegedly for safety reasons), rescheduled by the school once a “protected venue” was found, and then canceled again, but protesters are already descending on the city.

Some banks in town, remembering what happened when rioters marched through the city after forcing the cancellation of a speech on campus by Milo Yiannopoulos, prepared for the protests by boarding up ATMs.

That should be an embarrassment to any mayor, but Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin on Thursday seemed to not only piggy-back on the New York Times’ suggestion that conservative speakers “are putting themselves into volatile situations” by accepting invitations to speak on college campuses … he took things a step further and claimed that conservatives are behind the “engineered intense animosity against Berkeley and that’s a narrative they keep putting out there.”


“I have to wonder if the mayor was white, would we see such hate,” the mayor said.
