Posted on December 23, 2016

Rohrabacher Warns UC President on Illegal Immigrant Policy, December 23, 2016

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher today warned University of California president Janet Napolitano that continuing to accommodate illegal immigrants in the state university system could lead to a cut in federal research funds.

In a letter to Napolitano, the California Republican cited her Nov. 30 statement pertaining to “Undocumented Members of the UC Community,” in which she affirmed that the system admits students “without regard to immigration status.”  In his letter, Rohrabacher wrote: “Your commitment to spending scarce resources to finance people illegally present in the United States is unacceptable and a flagrant misuse of taxpayer money. This is an insult to Americans and legal immigrants who pay your salary.”

The lawmaker noted that the newly elected Congress will adversely view those who harbor “people illegally present in our country” when allocating federal funds.

“It may be prudent for you to consider that approximately 50% of the University of California’s research funding is supported by federal taxpayers’ dollars before pledging non-compliance with federal law,” he said. The letter appears below.

The full text of the letter may be viewed here.