Posted on August 26, 2014 President Suggests Foreign Workers ‘Truly Great,’ Americans ‘OK’

Tony Lee, Breitbart, August 25, 2014

Joe Green, the president who was also Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg’s college roommate, was asked in a recent Bloomberg TV interview how he felt about big-tech companies like Microsoft, Cisco, and Hewlett-Packard that are slashing American high-tech jobs while pushing for massive increases in guest-worker permits. He suggested that foreign workers are “truly great,” while Americans are “just sort of okay.”

Green stated that jobs in technology, engineering, and design are “extremely high-value, high-productivity jobs, where the difference between someone who is truly great and just sort of okay is really huge.”

{snip} has poured millions of dollars into getting drastic increases in guest-worker visas that the Congressional Budget Office determined would lower the wages of American workers. The group, along with other high-tech interests, is pushing for more guest-workers at a time when, as Breitbart News has extensively reported, “scholars and studies from organizations on the left, right, and center have debunked the notion that there is a shortage of American high-tech workers.”

Green, though, insisted that America had the capacity to absorb more foreign workers and even claimed that a “vast, vast majority of tech engineers that I talked to who are from the United States are very supportive of bringing in people from other countries because they want to work with the very best.”
