GOP Lawmaker Returns Award to Protest Chamber of Commerce’s Immigration Policy
Pete Kasperowicz, The Blaze, July 24, 2014
Rep. Kerry Bentivolio (R-Mich.) said Thursday that he refused to accept an award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because of that group’s position on immigration, and called the Chamber the “biggest pro-amnesty group” in the country.
“The Chamber of Commerce is beholden to special interests and has long since forgotten the main street businesses that struggle everyday to make payroll and keep their company afloat,” Bentivolio said. “It is with great pride that I reject their award, and call on them to stand on the side of America, instead of on the side of China and corporate interests seeking to exploit people for profit.
“I am with main street, not Wall Street.”
Bentivolio’s chief of staff, Rob Wasinger, added that the Chamber is “in the pocket of Communist China and big companies seeking cheap labor in the United States.”
“We think it is morally repugnant for the chamber to pursue, as a matter of public policy, initiatives which exploit the poor and oppressed, just so they can keep labor costs down for their fortune 500 member companies,” Wasinger said.
The Chamber was trying to give Bentivolio the Spirit of Enterprise Award.