Florida TV Station Documents Ineligible Voters as DOJ Sues to Prevent State from Purging Rolls
Thomas Lifson, American Thinker, March 13, 2014
WBBH TV in Ft. Myers, Florida, has performed a public service with its investigative reporting documenting non-US citizens voting regularly in local elections. Judicial Watch summarizes it:
The segment focused on Lee County, which has a population of about 620,000 and Collier County with a population of around 322,000. The reporter spent about two months digging around the voter rolls in the two counties and the discoveries are dumbfounding.
In that short time, more than 100 people registered to vote in those two areas were proven to be ineligible by the reporter. A Cape Coral woman, eligible to vote in elections, was tracked down through jury excusal forms that verify she’s not a U.S. citizen. A Naples woman, who is not a U.S. citizen either, voted six times in 11 years without being detected by authorities. A Jamaican man is also registered to vote though he’s not eligible. The reporter obtained his 2007 voter registration form, which shows the Jamaican man claims to be a U.S. citizen. Problem is, no one bothers checking to see if applicants are being truthful.
Incredibly, election supervisors confirmed on camera that there’s no way for them to verify the citizenship of people who register to vote. The only way to detect fraud is if the county offices that oversee elections receive a tip, they say, and only then can they follow up.
But Gov. Rick Scot has launched a program to purge ineligible voters form the rolls, only to be sued: Judicial Watch notes:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) was quick to sue the state to stop the purging because the agency claims it discriminates against minorities. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has colluded with the DOJ in Florida and the head of the group’s local chapter says purging voter rolls disproportionately affects the state’s most vulnerable groups, namely minorities.
Kudos to WBBH and Judicial Watch for exposing this fraud and government encouragement of it in the most important swing state in presidential elections.