Section 8 Housing Voucher Distribution Canceled After Thousands Waiting in Line Get Out of Control
WXYZ, January 12, 2013
A chaotic scene erupted at the Taylor Human Services Center when the crowd waiting for a Section 8 housing voucher distribution got out of control.
Police say thousands of people from all over the area were at the center. Many were homeless, single moms, or disabled. They were hoping to get help paying for their housing from the government.
“There was elderly, disabled people, pregnant single women. They were here for help, to get their Section 8 vouchers. It just shows you what a desperate need . . . some were here since yesterday,” said Rhianna Rodriguez.
7 Action News is being told there were 1,000 vouchers available and 5,000 people showed up trying to get one.
Police say, when the time came for the vouchers to be distributed, there was a mad rush for the door. Officers tried to control the crowd, but couldn’t.
Several people were arrested. The rest were sent home. Today’s distribution has been canceled and will be rescheduled.