Posted on August 4, 2011

75% Support Tough Penalties Against Employers Who Hire Illegal Immigrants

Rasmussen, July 19, 2011


A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that three-out-of-four Likely U.S. Voters (75%) now favor strict government sanctions on those who hire illegal immigrants. Only 16% oppose such sanctions.


Fifty-nine percent (59%) also support strict sanctions on landlords who rent or sell property to illegals. Twenty-four percent (24%) are opposed to tough laws against these landlords, but 17% more are undecided.

Data released this year showed that 65% of voters see employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants are a bigger problem than illegal immigrants who are seeking a job. Sixty-one percent (61%) favor shutting down companies that knowingly and repeatedly hire illegal immigrants .

Nearly two-out-of-three voters (65%) believe that if a police officer pulls someone over for a traffic violation, he or she should automatically check to see if that person is in the country legally. Twenty-six percent (26%) oppose those automatic checks.
