Let Your Voice Be Heard
Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, March 25, 2011
On Wednesday we posted a notice about a “White Privilege Summit” to be held at Augustana College on Rock Island, Illinois on March 30–next Wednesday. The all-day event, with many speakers and presentations, is open to the public, and the keynote speaker is Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center. No one from our organization can be there, but we urge AmRen readers in the Quad Cities area to attend and let audiences know that not everyone is fooled by this “white privilege” claptrap.
Even one person asking critical questions can have a jarring effect on an otherwise monolithic sense of moral superiority. If two or three people ask tough questions, it can completely wrong-foot the speaker and make the event backfire. Once a few activists have broken the ice, others in the audience may be emboldened to take a poke at orthodoxy.
Lefties and “anti-racists” have had the floor for too long. There are now enough race realists and other sensible people to stand up and refute the nonsense they are peddling. A public venue like this conference is a perfect opportunity.
It is easy to poke holes in “anti-racist” arguments. The lefties are used to being adored, not to being grilled, so they are unlikely to have good answers. Just listen to what they say, and you will come up with questions that should flummox them.
Here are just a few questions you might ask.
For Morris Dees and the SPLC.
1. I don’t understand why the word “poverty” is in the name of your organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center. According to IRS filings, you have $200 million in assets, and a staff payroll of about $10 million. Could you tell us how much the “poverty center” pays you and how you justify the name? (In 2008 he was paid $282,564 plus another $53,000 in benefits.)
2. You are in the business of designating organizations as “hate” groups. You call people who want to control immigration “haters,” and the same for people who oppose the homosexual agenda. By calling them “haters”–when you have no way of knowing how they actually feel about anyone–you are really just trying to discredit people you disagree with without even debating them, aren’t you?
3. If you find out that anyone you have called a “hater” is to have a speaking engagement or a media appearance, you make a point of contacting the inviting organization to tell them you think this person is a “hater.” Your purpose, of course, is to prevent people with whom you disagree from having a podium, so your real agenda is to suppress free speech, isn’t it?
4. If the groups you oppose are really as bad as you say, won’t what they say be so obviously wrong and hateful that no one will believe them? Isn’t the best policy, therefore, to encourage them to speak and appear publicly so the falseness of what they say will be clear to all?
Questions about “white privilege.”
1. Presumably whites benefit from white privilege only if there are non-whites in a society. Iceland is virtually all-white. Would the whites of Iceland suddenly be much better off and enjoy white privilege if 100,000 Somalis settled there?
2. Does white privilege increase with the number of non-whites? Demographic projections show whites will be a minority by 2042. Will the amount of white privilege just keep increasing? If whites become just 10 percent of the population, will they enjoy more or less white privilege than they enjoy now?
3. If the United States is a nation of white privilege, why is it that Asians–Chinese- and Japanese-Americans, for example–have higher incomes and higher educational achievements than whites?
4. If the United States is a nation of white privilege why do millions of non-whites want to come here?
5. (Someone will no doubt have made the point that blacks are stopped more often by the police, and that an example of white privilege is the fact that whites are stopped less often.) Women are stopped less often by the police than men. Is this an example of unfair sex privilege? Old men are stopped less often than young men is this an unfair example of unfair age privilege?
At the end of the day, there is even a “reflection session” during which you will certainly have a chance to say what you think of what was said. Make your voice heard!