Hassan Charged With Harassment
Matt Gryta, Buffalo News, Nov. 20, 2010
Muzzamil S. “Mo” Hassan was charged Friday with misdemeanor harassment and obstruction for the Erie County Holding Center disturbance he blamed on “white Nazis” who patrol the downtown lockup.
During a court appearance Wednesday for his upcoming trial for the decapitation slaying of his estranged wife, Hassan complained that up to 16 “white Nazi” guards attacked him Nov. 10, leaving him fearful that he will be killed and his death called a suicide.
Also during the appearance, Hassan said he was waterboarded.
In a legal turnabout, Hassan is charged with attacking the Holding Center guard he had accused in court of attacking him.
[Undersheriff Mark N.] Wipperman called Hassan “a troublesome and problematic inmate” since his incarceration after the Feb. 12, 2009, beheading of his estranged wife, a week after she had begun divorce proceedings.
In City Court papers filed Friday, Hassan is accused of verbally and physically assaulting the Holding Center officer.
At about 8:45 p. m. Nov. 10, Hassan cursed and lunged at the guard after he had ordered Hassan and other inmates to get into their cells for nightly lockup, according to court papers.
The guard told superiors Hassan struck him in the chest and right arm. “Acting in self-defense,” the guard said, he wrestled Hassan to the floor until other guards came to his aid.
Though Hassan claimed he was bleeding following the disturbance, an examination showed no bleeding on Hassan and neither he nor the guard involved in the incident appeared injured.
Hassan has been diagnosed by one psychiatrist as suffering from “battered spouse syndrome.”
[Editor’s Note: You can read more about “Mo” Hassan here.]