Mexican American Studies
Tucson United School District, June 18, 2010
12th Annual Institute for Transformative Education
July 13-16, 2010
This four-day conference will provide participants with the opportunity to listen to and dialogue with leading scholars in the areas of: Chicana/o Studies, Cultural Responsiveness, Ethnic Studies, Critical Multicultural Education, Urban Education, Urban Youth Engagement, Critical Pedagogy, and Critical Race Theory in Education.
Registration is closed for TUSD employees.
Participants from outside the district can still register.
TUSD Mexican American Studies Dept.
Our Vision
The Mexican American Studies Department is dedicated to the empowerment and strengthening of our community of learners.
Students will attain an understanding and appreciation of historic and contemporary Mexican American contributions.
Students will be prepared for dynamic, confident leadership in the 21st Century.
Our Goals
The department is firmly committed to the following with an academic focus:
* Advocating for and providing culturally relevant curriculum for grades K-12.
* Advocating for and providing curriculum that is centered within the pursuit of social justice.
* Advocating for and providing curriculum that is centered within the Mexican American/Chicano cultural and historical experience.
* Working towards the invoking of a critical consciousness within each and every student.
* Providing and promoting teacher education that is centered within Critical Pedagogy, Latino Critical Race Pedagogy, and Authentic Caring.
* Promoting and advocating for social and educational transformation.
* Promoting and advocating for the demonstration of respect, understanding, appreciation, inclusion, and love at every level of service.