Posted on March 3, 2009

White Nationalist-Linked ‘Right-Wing Youth’ Group Debuts at CPAC

David Holthouse, SPLC, February 26, 2009


According to CPAC materials, the group, Youth for Western Civilization, is one of the official co-sponsors, or major donors, of this year’s conference. The group has a booth in the CPAC exhibition hall, and its “Inaugural Reception” is scheduled to begin at 8:30 p.m. EST in the Palladium Ballroom at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.

In the past, CPAC organizers have shielded the reputation of their mainstream conservative enterprise by forbidding racist organizations like the Council of Conservative Citizens from participating. They may want to take a closer look at Youth for Western Civilization.

One of the group’s founders, Marcus Epstein, is a frequent contributor to the white nationalist hate website


Epstein is also the head of the Robert A. Taft Club, a Washington, D.C., group whose events regularly feature prominent academic racists like Jared Taylor, the editor of the overtly white supremacist journal American Renaissance.

Another Youth for Western Civilization founder, Kevin DeAnna, has posted several times in recent years to the Spartan Spectator, the website of the Michigan State University chapter of Young Americans for Freedom, or MSU-YAF.


“The point is that all Christians, and white Christians in particular, don’t owe any deference to the self-defined racial separatist customs of other people,” DeAnna posted to Spartan Spectator in July 2007.


Youth for Western Civilization didn’t wait for CPAC before throwing its first event. Yesterday, the group sponsored a lecture by immigrant-bashing former Congressman Tom Tancredo on the campus of American University in Washington, D.C. Tancredo spoke on “Immigration Reform and the Need for Assimilation.”


[Editor’s Note: Read about Tom Tancredo’s appearance at American University here.]