White America Needs Its Own Al Sharpton
Ron Jackson, Daily Journal, June 16, 2007
Thinking that any heinous or outright unfathomable crime would make the national news, I was skeptical when I received a couple of e-mails asking if I had heard of the gruesome multiple murders that occurred almost six months ago. I hadn’t. Thanks again to Al Gore, all I had to do was click on a link, and bingo, there was the story as if it had just occurred yesterday.
You would think the same media outlets that gave us minute-by-minute updates on Don Imus, the paternity case of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby, or the in, out and back in jail again Paris Hilton would have investigated this case. This had to have been the first major crime of the New Year, but there was no endless FOX News, MSNBC or CNN coverage. Where were Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Nancy Grace, Greta Van Susteren or Geraldo Rivera?
So just what was missing or so wrong about this story that made it unworthy? For starters the victims and the villains didn’t fit the correct racial profile. The victims were white; the villains were black. That doesn’t sell. Reverse the situation and we would have nonstop coverage. Of course, we would have had black activists insisting the world see the brutality white America is capable of committing.
However, since the victims were white in this case, there are no white activists bold enough to speak up out of fear of being labeled a racist. It’s as if these two young white people were not important enough to have America learn of their unthinkable demise.
If a swastika, a cross, or a racial epithet is directed toward blacks, it gets extensive media coverage. If two white boys beat up a black kid for riding his bike in a Chicago neighborhood, we hear about it, and we hear about it. If seven black South Carolina youths beat two white kids for riding their bikes through a black neighborhood, we don’t hear a thing. If three white Duke University athletes are accused of raping a black dancer, we hear about it. If two black siblings in Wichita, Kansas, kill four whites, it’s ignored by our national media. If a white man in New York makes a joke about eight black women, it’s a national crisis. But when four blacks in Knoxville, Tennessee brutally kill a white couple, it takes an Internet crusade to bring it to the masses six months later. Our national media is very reluctant to give coverage to crimes committed against whites by nonwhites, or by blacks in general.
It’s sad to have to admit it, but white America needs a few Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons. It is also sad that these murders are still not the story. The story has become why it has taken six months for America to hear about it.
Beyond sad is that as gruesome as these crimes were, the Knoxville police and the FBI have decided that this crime does not meet the requirements to be classified as a hate crime.