How the SPLC and ADL Taught Me Race Realism
Jack Cavllari, American Renaissance, October 12, 2017
As an undergraduate in the early 2000s, I underwent a moderate but thorough attempt at politically correct indoctrination. I never fully absorbed it, partly because of my Catholic upbringing, but also because so much of it made no sense. Nonetheless, I toed the line on racism and antisemitism, accepting the idea that our differences were more about custom and economic differences, and that America was steadily moving toward an era of virtually no racism and towards a diverse multiculturalism. And I believed this was good.
At my college, every history major was required to write a senior thesis. We got to pick the specific topic, but it had to fit into a broad category selected by whichever professor was in charge of theses that semester. Maybe it was fate, because that semester, the thesis advisor was an über liberal professor who, I now realize, loved all topics anti-white. As a result, all seniors that semester would be writing about how Americans study the Third Reich.
Trying to pick a particular topic dear to the professor’s heart, I decided I would research similarities between the German National Socialists and “white supremacist” groups in America today. The professor was thrilled with my choice, and gave me many documents from her personal library, including monthly mailings from the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center. This was my introduction to both organizations. It did not take me long to see that both had clear anti-white biases, which they attempted to disguise thinly and in vain. It had never really occurred to me that many minorities hated white people or that organizations that claimed to be dedicated to protecting people’s rights actively wanted to dismantle traditional American society and were explicitly anti-white. I had believed what my professors taught me about how these organizations existed to prevent discrimination. Looking at the list of people, sites, and ideas that the SPLC said were haters and hate speech, it was obvious that a very low bar had been set to qualify. I read on in amazement.
One of the SPLC’s fliers claimed that discussing biological racial differences was hate speech. Other taboo topics were the declining white birth rate, the rate of immigration, and black-on-white crime. To notice and discuss these things was, for Morris Dees and his cronies, a form of anti-minority hate. They also made it clear they thought people who discussed such questions were crazy, low-IQ losers.
Of course, they never bothered to address the rampant black-on-white crime that I knew was common across the country. I grew up in an area that was around 25 percent black, with all the corresponding joys of diversity. When I saw how the SPLC mocked and dismissed something I knew to be both true and a problem, it made me wonder about everything else they ridiculed and glossed over.
Thanks to the SPLC’s reading materials, I heard for the first time about The Bell Curve, about J. Phillipe Rushton,, Jared Taylor, and American Renaissance. When I did a little research, I expected to find websites full of burning swastikas and racial slurs. Instead, I found links to scientific articles about genetics, scholarly works on history and archeology, news reports on crimes that never appeared on cable news (I was an MSNBC watcher in those days), and well-reasoned, well-written essays on a host of topics related to the National Question. Until then, I had no idea what our immigration laws were, what the rate of immigration was, how many illegal aliens were in the country, or what the white birthrate was. Although I was an avid reader of both class materials and current events, and had studied American history since the Second World War in detail, I had never heard anyone at my university mention the white birthrate, nor had I seen it discussed in mainstream publications.
The more I read, the more my worldview shifted. I was reading material that was outside of my field, and putting together relationships between diverse topics in a way I had never been challenged to do in four years at a well-respected public university. The essays and news pieces, particularly those at American Renaissance and, were honest, forthright, and direct. They made no bones about the importance of the topics they discussed, and sought to cover every conceivable angle of a question so as to present a logical, airtight position. I contrasted these insightful pieces with the ad hominem attacks the SPLC pushed, and the smear tactics popular with the ADL. I realized that what I had been taught was wrong, from stem to root.

(Credit Image: © Especial/Notimex/Newscom via ZUMA Press)
This left me with a dilemma. My professor was never going to approve a thesis that pointed out truths antithetical to the Left. If I wrote that modern “white supremacists” were not socialists, that they typically did not hate anyone, that they believed that white people were not superior but were different from others and deserved their own countries, that race was real and at least bone deep, that if birthrates, crime, and immigration continued unabated there would be no European-descended people within a century, the professor would write an “F” on my thesis, and condemn me to academic failure.
And so, with an unpleasant taste in my mouth, I gave her a conventional Leftist research paper, full of reassuring liberal bromides and condemnation of “white supremacists.” But in my heart, I vowed that no matter what I did after graduating, I would always resist people like her in every action. This would be the last time I retreated; I would stand up for our people in all that I did. I think this is a situation we have all encountered, and still do. Our views are still controversial, and we are forced to choose between our livelihoods and our beliefs.
That was over 15 years ago. Since then, I have earned a master’s degree, hotly debating professors in class and forcing them to confront arguments they prefer to avoid. I am the proud father of four children — the oldest of whom routinely mocks “social justice warriors” — who are aware of liberal bias in the media. I have a career that allows me to influence public opinion within my community, and I combat all the “pretty lies” with which the Left has poisoned the West for over a century. I donate to sites such as American Renaissance and, though I am careful to do so anonymously lest I be doxxed by my liberal coworkers. I worked hard for the Trump campaign, in one of the traditionally Democrat states that went red in 2016. None of this makes me special, because after graduating I found that there were legions of young men and women like me, and it was the concerted effort of hundreds of thousands, even millions of us, that have brought us to the present juncture.
Recent months have seen us besieged on all fronts. Do not be disheartened. When I began reading American Renaissance, most articles garnered only a dozen or so comments, and at least one or two were trolls. Now, it is not uncommon to see over a hundred comments per article. Leaders of our movement are mentioned in the legacy media, and they are obviously terrified by how events are unfolding. They are counterattacking so viciously because they know the threat we pose is real.
Once upon a time, the Catholic Church was the only faith in Western Europe and dominated society, until, relatively suddenly, it did not. Britain ruled an enormous empire, and then it did not. Imperial Japan was invincible, until it was defeated. The Left has a stranglehold on the media, technology, academia, and business. But if we keep fighting, eventually, it will not.
If you have a story about how you became racially aware, we’d like to hear it. If it is well written and compelling, we will publish it. Use a pen name, stay under 1,200 words, and send it to us here.