How Blacks Changed My Small Town
Anonymous American, American Renaissance, October 2, 2022
This story is one of hundreds Colin Flaherty planned to publish in a book before his death. American Renaissance will post one a week.
In the 1990s, I was living in a small town about 80 miles south of Rochester in the Finger Lakes region. It was a peaceful town with citizens ranging from the very rich to the very poor, but even the poor areas were clean, neat, and kept up. Then, some black families moved in. The whole place changed within two months. Suddenly, there were stabbings, drugs being sold on main street in broad daylight, fights, screaming, vulgar arguments all over, a lice epidemic in the school, etc. Now, we had our problems before but it would be one thing here, another there; nothing more. The blacks brought a permanent “escalation” of social problems with them.
The cops were at their homes almost every day. A record number of protective orders were filed against these new arrivals and their friends. These orders banned them from the local grocery store (shoplifting), two of the bars (drunk and disorderly, fighting), picking their kids up at the school (fighting, a stabbing, drugs), several of the local stores (shoplifting, assaulting owners), and the bowling alley (drunk and disorderly, fighting, stabbing, stealing). They had to be removed from a local festival five times in one night. They were caught slashing tires, keying cars, and breaking windows. Stolen bikes, lawn mowers, patio furniture, car radios, were recovered from their house and garage. They blamed others for setting them up because we were all “racists.” They didn’t seem to realize small town people would give testimony against them and all had shotguns.
They finally moved after telling us we didn’t know how to have fun or party and calling us all “racists” for banning them from so many places. They went back to Rochester. We didn’t miss them. In just eight months they destroyed the trailer (condemned and torn down) they had rented and turned a nice, homey, old farmhouse into a ghetto with no yard left, porch driven into, windows busted out, and garbage everywhere. They turned the town on its ear.