Posted on October 8, 2022

How An Asian American Became a Race Realist

Ethan Skitzar, American Renaissance, October 8, 2022

This is part of our continuing series of accounts by readers of how they shed the illusions of liberalism and became race realists.

“Why is something a certain way?” I always ask “why.” Even when an explanation is given, I ask for an explanation for that explanation. My unending curiosity always takes me down an unending quest for answers.

I am a first-generation Asian American who grew up in a Hispanic neighborhood. My barrio had all kinds of crime: shootings, arson, and assaults — both my parents were victims of the latter. Crime decreased when whites started moving in (aka “gentrification”). The correlation was as clear as day, but as a child, I didn’t make much of it.

In college, I joined the Speech and Debate team. This was my first exposure to politics and it was as ridiculous as you could imagine. My teammates cried in celebration when Barack Obama was elected President and were vexed by Donald Trump’s victory in 2016. Any kind of right-leaning political opinion was met with belligerence by my team members — myself included. All the nonsense American Renaissance readers scoff at today were my deeply held beliefs back then. It was not until I started researching the opposing view that I began to question things.

I was obsessed with gun crime and homicide statistics. Like most liberals, I chalked it up to the presence of firearms and institutional prejudices. It was easy to find mainstream articles backing up my assumptions, but I knew that if I wanted to really be good at arguing this perspective, I needed to know what the “other side” thought. My search for opposing views led me to The Alternative Hypothesis, Sean Last, and Steven Sailer. I read and watched their content with my teeth gnashing against each other. And yet, they made great points that were irrefutable and ignored by mainstream liberal sources.

I decided that if I wanted to understand gun crime, I would need to explore group differences. That’s how I learned about IQ. The puzzle pieces started coming together, the cognitive dissonance was mounting, and I spent a week wondering if everything I’d believed in was false. In the end, I couldn’t deny the truth: People are not equal, biological races are real, diversity destroys cohesion, and integration has consequences.

Ashamedly, I went through a master’s program nodding my head to the delusional dogma of egalitarianism. Any time I voiced an opinion that swayed towards hereditarianism, I was shut down immediately. At some point, I had to stop dissenting because it was hurting my grades. It never mattered that I could cite government data or peer-reviewed articles. All that mattered was that I obeyed the accepted religion of academia. Currently, in law school, I face the same pressures. I “saw the light” long ago, but I still don’t know how to be open about it. The science behind race realism is true, but I fear I may not live to see that truth publicly accepted?

If you have a story about how you became racially aware, we’d like to hear it. If it is well written and compelling, we will publish it. Use a pen name, stay under 1,200 words, and send it to us here.