Posted on April 9, 2022

My Unique Path to Race Realism

Kingston Livingston, American Renaissance, April 9, 2022

This is part of our continuing series of accounts by readers of how they shed the illusions of liberalism and became race realists.

How did I become a race realist? My story is a very unique one, and perhaps one of the rarest ones out there. For starters, I’m not from the US . . . and I’m black.

I was born in Canada in the early 1990s. Back then, whiteness and Canada were synonymous, but this soon changed. My hometown went from being 60 percent white when I was a child to 20 percent (or less) today. You don’t have to be a Liberal or Conservative to notice what happens when whites get outnumbered. Yet, all my life, the media was telling me that all this “diversity” was good. But what they didn’t tell me is that it left my neighborhood with zero identity. In every metric, I preferred being a black minority surrounded by mostly white Canadian stock who kept things safe and in mostly working order, compared to the modern chaos where both black and white are minorities, and we both don’t live in the “egalitarian utopia” that all my schools and media promised would happen. Perhaps the most defining moment that made me realize that race can no longer be avoided, was finding the work of scientists such as J.P. Rushton (a fellow Canadian), James Watson (acclaimed DNA researcher), and William Shockley (who even Wikipedia acknowledges has an incredible pedigree). All three men repeatedly showed the scientific reality of race.

Over these past few years I did my best to convince other Canadians that race is real. These attempts never went well. FBI statistics, IQ charts, and stories about races refusing to get along are met with hostility and claims that “systematic oppression are the driving factors.” But, if it’s all systematic racism that is the root of all this failure, why not separate the races or stop them from immigrating here, where they will complain that life is unequal forever?

Studying the world and trying to find the mythical society where multiracialism has been a good thing further opened my eyes. Everything about the history of Brazil, Zimbabwe, and South Africa are lessons in demography. Liberal clichés like “fixing the schools” and “just ignore race” were all made into policy in these countries. Today, people would rather flee these places than live there. Brazil, Zimbabwe, and South Africa all had greater stability when their populations were whiter and/or in charge of the federal government. Meanwhile, several East Asian countries (e.g. Japan and South Korea) show that multi-racial immigration is not needed to build strong and safe societies. When they take in immigrants, it’s done under strict criteria.

With no examples of diversity and demographic change improving nations, I concluded that concerns about white replacement affect everyone. Denying race is the same as denying gravity or viruses. Modern scientists are interested in curing diseases or building structures that won’t collapse. But if we ignore that different races have different gestation times, cognitive capacities, and even require different heart medication, then we are potentially hurting the futures of billions of people. Race is so much more than skin color. I’m not afraid to admit this, because the alternative of forcing every different racial group together and expecting equal results, is scientifically impossible — and dangerous, too.

If you have a story about how you became racially aware, we’d like to hear it. If it is well written and compelling, we will publish it. Use a pen name, stay under 1,200 words, and send it to us here.