Posted on March 19, 2020

Western Countries Suddenly Secure Their Borders

Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, March 19, 2020

There’s a two-step argument most Western governments use when we ask for border security. First, they tell us it’s not possible. Then, they tell us mass immigration is good for us anyway.

You may recall a 2017 column by European Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos in which he wrote that “we cannot and will never be able to stop migration.” But he also said that welcoming migrants is “not only a moral imperative. It is also an economic and social imperative for our aging continent . . . .” It’s both virtuous and beneficial.

Now, suddenly, we know how to stop migration. By Tuesday, 19 European states had imposed new border controls. Among them was Germany, which closed its borders with France, Austria, and Switzerland, with exceptions for commercial traffic. The European Union is also banning “nonessential” travel from the outside for 30 days.

America imposed travel restrictions on the European Union, the United Kingdom, and China, and is considering closing the Mexico border. Canada and the United States have agreed close their border. Mexico may even stop travel from the US. Apparently, nations do believe they can control migration — except for when they don’t want to. “The world’s sole superpower” didn’t stop illegals infiltrating by the millions, even under a nationalist president who was elected to stop them.

(Credit Image: © Marko Saarm via ZUMA Press)

People can argue that immigration, even non-white immigration, is good for European countries. They can say it has economic benefits, or increases diversity, or is morally right. We disagree with them. There’s a legitimate debate. But immigration supporters can no longer say mass immigration is inevitable. It’s a policy choice, not a natural process like the weather. It continues because our leaders want it. Now, politicians are imposing restrictions even within countries. Pro-immigration governor Andrew Cuomo imposed a local quarantine, the New Rochelle Containment Area, which is simply a limit on internal migration.

When this crisis ends, we should remember this lesson. Mass immigration can be stopped. Individual travelers can be stopped. And national leaders know this. Mass immigration has been imposed on Western nations and is replacing our people, culture, and heritage. We were never asked if we wanted it. UK Labour adviser Andrew Neather admitted that in Britain it was, at least in part, a policy designed to “rub the Right’s nose in diversity.”

Our rulers can stop immigration, but when the crisis passes, they will reopen the floodgates. It will be our job to stop them.