Posted on February 12, 2010

MARTA ‘Yellow’ Line to Be Renamed ‘Gold’

Ariel Hart, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, February 11, 2010

Moving to tamp a controversy that has reached the national news, MARTA [Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority] CEO Beverly Scott said Thursday afternoon that the transit agency would change the name of its “yellow” train line, which goes to Doraville, home to a large Asian-American community. The line will now be called “gold.”

Scott said the details had not been settled on exactly how to make the change, but it would be phased in–a less expensive option than implementing it all at once.

“We’re thrilled,” said Helen Kim, director of advocacy and education at the Center for Pan Asian Community Services in Doraville. “I think this shows that MARTA heard our voice and they are sensitive to our concerns.”


Kim said her group and others would pay close attention to the details of the transition.


[An earlier story on the Yellow Line is available here.]