Posted on April 8, 2021

Best-Selling Devotional Has Prayer to ‘Help Me to Hate White People’

Matt Margolis, PJ Media, April 7, 2021


{snip}While our society has made tremendous progress toward the idea that all men are created equal, anti-whiteness seems to be all the rage these days. And that is no less racist than hating anyone of any other color.

Yet, in the book, A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal, there is a prayer called “Prayer of a Weary Black Woman” that asks God to “help me to hate white people.”

Dear God,

Please help me to hate white people. Or at least to want to hate them. At least, I want to stop caring about them, individually and collectively. I want to stop caring about their misguided, racist souls, to stop believing that they can be better, that they can stop being racist.

The book, published in February, was a New York Times bestseller.

The offending prayer was written by Chanequa Walker-Barnes, Ph.D. According to her bio, she is a “theologian and psychologist” and “her mission is to serve as a catalyst for healing, justice, and reconciliation.”


As you can see in the above screenshots, the whole prayer is a hateful screed against white people, and even specifically calls out “Fox News-loving, Trump-supporting voters.”


The editor of the book, Sarah Bessey, says recent outrage about the book, and Chanequa Walker-Barnes’s prayer in particular, is not justified, and points to the line in the prayer that says, “I’m not talking about the white antiracist allies who have taken up this struggle against racism with their whole lives…”
