The Myth Of Black Soldiers Dying Disproportionately March 21, 2005 White soldiers are overrepresented and blacks underrepresented in Iraq deaths.
GOP Web Sites Suppress Immigration Debate March 10, 2005 Restrictionists are not allowed to publish articles on mainstream "conservative" sites.
The Truth About The Cop-Killing Marine January 19, 2005 Supposed Hispanic victim of Iraq war trauma was actually a gang member.
20 Million Illegal Aliens? January 4, 2005 The illegal alien "underground economy" may be growing faster than the legitimate economy.
The Illegal Alien Swing Vote October 27, 2004 Not only can illegal aliens vote, they can also be election workers.
Cinnamon Girl: The Latest Martyrdom Video October 8, 2004 Black musician's video presents terrorism as a heroic response to American racism.
Rappers Sink Teeth Into Shark Tale October 6, 2004 New children's movie features soundtrack by gangsta rappers.
Anti-Homeschooling Bigots Strike Again September 27, 2004 School terrorism drill casts homeschoolers in the role of terrorists.
The Internment Taboo September 21, 2004 New book suggests wartime internment of US Japanese was justified.
The Case for Racial Profiling August 9, 2004 Michelle Malkin punctures myths about WWII Japanese relocation camps.
Book Defends WWII Internment Of Japanese Americans, Racial Profiling August 6, 2004 Michelle Malkin believes national security more important than non-whites' civil rights.
The Myth of the American “Concentration Camp” August 6, 2004 Michelle Malkin agrees with AR about Japanese relocation camps.