The Breivik Killings — Is the “Climate of Hate” Campaign Working in Europe? August 1, 2011 Conservatives are too willing to back down.
Sweden Tops European Rape League–But Why? September 2, 2009 Unprecedented wave of rape and violence in Europe not "crime," but warfare.
Creating a European Indigenous People’s Movement April 7, 2008 Europe is practicing a policy of "population replacement."
Caucasophobia — the Accepted Racism March 20, 2007 Blogger: I shouldn't have to choose between White Supremacy and White Worthlessness.
‘Unclean’ Guide Dog Banned By Muslim Cab Driver October 9, 2006 Muslim cab drivers in Britain, Australia and Norway will not let in seeing-eye dogs.
The Epidemic of Ethnic Rape December 23, 2005 Muslim men see nothing wrong with raping Western "whores."
Immigrant Rape Wave in Sweden December 15, 2005 Blogger urges Sweden's media and politicians to recognize immigrant rape epidemic.
UN to Investigate Racism of Danish Cartoonists December 8, 2005 UN experts on racism to investigate paper that published cartoons of Mohammed.
The Norwegian Inquisition — Sunset in the Land of the Midnight Sun May 23, 2005 Norwegians are guilty until proven innocent under new Discrimination Act.
Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway—Authorities Look the Other Way March 22, 2005 Nowegian provides evidence of epidemic of Muslim crime wave.