Posted on December 9, 2024

College Tells International Students to Return Before Trump Takes Office, Offers to Shelter Illegals

Spencer Lindquist, Daily Wire, December 9, 2024

Claremont McKenna College vowed in a statement obtained by The Daily Wire to protect students who are in the country illegally and urged non-citizen international students to return to campus prior to Donald Trump’s inauguration, pointing to California’s status as a sanctuary state.

The memo from Claremont’s Dean of Students outlines how the college plans to support students who are in the country illegally and subvert Trump’s impending immigration crackdown.


The memo also urged foreign students to return to campus before Trump takes office on January 20, 2025, citing policy against state law enforcement collaborating with federal immigration enforcement officers.

{snip}  “Please note that, since 2017, California law … severely limits state and local law enforcement from investigating, interrogating, detaining, detecting, or arresting persons for immigration enforcement purposes.”


The email goes on to detail how the college would support those in the country illegally, including by connecting them immigration lawyers.

“Students without legal status who are receiving financial aid and are interested in speaking confidentially with an immigration lawyer for a free initial consultation, should contact DT Graves or Jimmy Doan.”

“In compliance with state and federal law,” the college will “provide maximum support to undocumented students,” it added.
