Posted on February 15, 2024

Senators Smuggle Migration Funds into Ukraine Aid Bill

Neil Munro, Breitbart, February 13, 2024

Senate leaders have included roughly $10 billion in migration funding in the national security bill that provides $61 billion for Ukraine’s war with Russia.

The funding for migration is portrayed as aid for humanitarian needs in Ukraine and Israel, but the text allows it to be spent on “other vulnerable populations.”

This addition of “other vulnerable populations” leaves room for President Joe Biden’s pro-migration deputies to divert some of the funds towards migrants seeking to reach the United States — even if most of the money is used to move Arabs out of the line of fire in Gaza and to support the Ukrainian families and young men that have moved out to Western Europe.

For example, Biden’s deputies asked in August for funds to help run “Safe Mobility Offices” in several countries south of Mexico. The offices are intended to offer safe and supposedly legal pathways for economic migrants who would otherwise use coyotes and cartels to move into American society.

Biden’s deputies also fund U.N. groups that provide economic migrants with money, rest stops, and transport as they trek northwards from South America.

The $95 billion bill is titled ‘‘National Security Act, 2024.” It passed early Tuesday morning in a 70 to 29 vote with the help of 22 Republican senators under the leadership of Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).


Democrats can smuggle taxpayer money to migrants via many routes, said Jessica Vaughan, the policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies.

Much of the funding flows to migrants via the “Northside migration cartel” of secretive, government-funded non-government organizations, such as Catholic Charities, she said.


For example, Democrats in Massachusetts are hoping to divert Medicare funding from poor Americans to their growing population of illegal migrants.


Also, the National Security Act provides the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with another $481 million to deliver migrant youths and children — UACs — to homes, schools, and workplaces in the United States:


The U.S. government and cartels use the UAC program to import child labor for U.S. jobs and to encourage foreign families to separate for sequential, cartel-managed migration — adults first, then children — into the United States.


The $481 million in the bill will also hire lawyers to block the deportation of the young workers who take jobs and wages that would otherwise go to young Americans:
