Posted on November 24, 2023

Macy’s Discriminates by Favoring Minority Hires, Group Led by Ex-Trump Adviser Alleges

Rocio Fabbro, The Messenger, November 22, 2023

Macy’s is the latest company to be accused by Stephen Miller’s America First Legal Foundation of discriminatory hiring in violation of federal laws.

The conservative nonprofit led by Miller, who served as a senior adviser to former President Donald Trump, alleges that the department store is guilty of “intentionally and systematically violating” Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits employers from discriminating against prospective and current employees.

The group claims that Macy’s hiring and professional development programs geared towards “Black/African-American, Hispanic-Latinx, Native American and Asian” employees are in direct violation of anti-discrimination laws.

In its complaint to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, American First Legal also notes that “In its inaugural 2022 ‘Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Annual Report,’ Macy’s … includes, among other things, statistics highlighting the sex and ‘Non-White’ membership ratio of its corporate board.”


In the current complaint, the group cites Macy’s 2019 five-point commitment to company diversity, which set out to “achieve more ethnic diversity by 2025 at senior director level and above, with a goal of 30 percent” and establish MOSAIC, a “12-month program designed to strengthen leadership skills for a selected group of top-talent managers and directors of Black/African-American, Hispanic-Latinx, Native American and Asian descent.”
