Posted on May 22, 2023

Nevada Middle School Teacher Calls White People ‘Problematic’

Hannah Grossman, Fox News, May 18, 2023

A Nevada middle school teacher called White people “problematic” and education in general “racist” in a series of videos on TikTok.

Jennifer Leja is a teacher at Hyde Park Middle School located in the Clark County School District. {snip}

In one video, Leja was singing “start a riot” in expression of support of the following statements:


Leja then lambasted the “White majority” in education “since that means that everything in education from our suspensions and our detentions to the way that we handle conflict, from our textbooks to our curriculum, everything is going to be handled with a White perspective rather than a multicultural one.”


“And while, yes, myself and other White educators, we can improve this and do the best that we can to try to fix this in education, the more long-lasting solution would be to hire more minority educators and to encourage students who are BIPOC to try to go into more higher education fields,” she added. “And until we do that, all White teachers that are currently in the position are going to be considered problematic. {snip}”


Regarding education itself being “racist,” Leja said, “The system definitely is! And many of the things were required to teach continue to perpetuate racism too.”
