Posted on April 23, 2023

National Health Organization Pushes Critical Race Theory into Medical Field

Spencer Lindquist, Breitbart, April 20, 2023

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), a children’s health organization created by Congress, proposed the use of racially biased hiring criteria in order to “dismantle … white supremacy culture.”

A 22-page document from the organization affirms the core tenets of Critical Race Theory before applying them to the medical industry in an approach that is referred to as “health equity.” It also urges a series of actions, which include enacting racial preferences in the hiring process.

Titled “Being Anti-Racist is Central to Trauma-Informed Care: Principles of an Anti-Racist, Trauma-Informed Organization,” the document expresses a belief in systemic racism and calls on organizations “to dismantle the white supremacy culture that continues to uphold … racism.”

“Systems and organizations must shift beyond performative action toward the fundamental transformation of becoming anti-racist and trauma-informed,” the document reads.

It also goes on to define racism not simply as prejudice based on race but instead as “a system of structuring opportunity and assigning value based on phenotype (‘race’).”

“For any organization to become truly trauma-informed, it must work to dismantle racism along with the white supremacy culture that holds racism in place,” the NCTSN claims. {snip}

The document goes on to claim that the study of trauma “has been shaped by a Eurocentric approach focused on individual ‘psychopathological’ responses to trauma types most likely to affect white children, centering interventions developed by white clinicians,” and “often based on research with white children and families.”


Perhaps most shocking, the document brazenly encourages organizations to embed racial preferences in the hiring process. The document tells organizations to “prioritize the hiring, development, promotion, and retention of people who are Black at all levels of the organization.”


At one point in the document, the authors even refused to describe research methods with “standardized nomenclature,” citing its relation with “white dominant culture.” {snip}
