Dear God, What Now? A Racial Diagnosis
Fred Reed, Fred on Everything, March 3, 2023
America does not have a race problem. It has a black problem. The other races work, meld, contribute, study, and often intermarry. Chinese, Indians, Vietnamese, Lebanese. Given the huge size of the Latino influx, the low level of friction is remarkable. America is not on the brink of a racial explosion against any of the foregoing.
Blacks are very, very different. They are intensely hostile to other races and, it seems, incorrigibly so. Degrees and exceptions, yes, but the centerline is hatred. The racial attacks on Asians one reads of in the media are black attacks on Asians. Nor do blacks get along well with Latinos. They attack whites both in words and deed. Beating of whites is common, brutal, and ignored by the media. This fellow posts a monthly list of whites murdered by blacks. There is no sign that these will stop. Or be officially noticed.
Crime by blacks is out of control. There seems little to do about it. In the cities they kill each other in staggering numbers, 500 a year in Philadelphia, 700 a year in Chicago, 300 a year in Baltimore, and two or three times as many shot but not killed. The pattern repeats in city after city after city.
One might say resignedly that if they want to kill each other, it is their business. But they kill other races. Every month Kenn Gividen compiles a list of interracial murders by blacks. Here is his archive. Rates of robbery, rape, theft, carjacking, and so on are, by the standards of the First World, stratospheric.
If these examples were cherrypicked, they could be ignored. They are not cherrypicked. They stream across the web in numbers month after month, year after year.
Illiteracy runs high, far too high for blacks to perform in the white world. In city after city it transpires that in many black schools no student reads proficiently and that in others only a handful do. For example, Chicago. Figures recently pried out of Baltimore’s government showed that seventy-seven percent of high-school seniors read at the level of grade school, many at the level of kindergarten. All of these who are not shot will be unemployable for the next fifty years. This is catastrophic.
The big-city ghettos amount to a distributed foreign country with customs and values sharply differing from those of the surrounding society. In particular, as seventy percent rate of illegitimacy, frequent firefights among gangs, a dialect often barely comprehensible outside of the city, and a resistance to assimilation embodied in the use of strange names for children: Latoya, DeShawn, and so on.
This too is a disaster.
Part of mandatory political discourse holds that whites have abandoned America’s blacks, doing little to solve their problems. In fact whites have made Herculean, almost desperate efforts, but these have not worked. No other country in the world has so consistently and strenuously tried to encourage another race to rise.
It hasn’t worked.
In 1954, a white Supreme Court decreed segregation impermissible. Then a white President sent troops to Little Rock to enforce the decision. In 1964, an overwhelmingly white Congress passed the Civil Rights Act and in the next year, the Voting Rights Act. Then in Duke Power the Supreme Court judged the use of IQ tests by employers unconstitutional because blacks were not passing them, and later judged affirmative action, clear racial discrimination against whites, legitimate. The theory in the latter was that slightly underqualified blacks would catch up on the job but, when this didn’t happen, affirmative action became an entitlement.
Countless programs arose, intended to benefit blacks. Head Start, AFDC, straight welfare, Food Stamps, racial set-asides, Black Studies, black-only dorms, black-only graduations, Section Eight Housing, free breakfasts for children, then free lunches, and massive housing projects. All of this was done with good intentions and to decent people some of it seemed necessary, as few wanted to leave children hungry. In aggregate, though, they seemed to foreshadow a custodial state.
When the measures did not have the desired effects of raising blacks on average to the standards of the other races, the country began to lower the standards to meet the blacks. Promotional exams for advance in police departments were dropped because blacks didn’t pass them, then SATs in college admissions and LSATs for law school for the same reason, Medical College Admission Tests, along with the ACT. Entrance tests for elite high schools then went, or were attacked, for the same reason. Colleges ceased requiring grammatical writing because blacks couldn’t or wouldn’t learn it, and dropped algebra requirements for the same reason.
Then America began pulling down statues and portraits of anyone blacks had heard of and didn’t like, abetted by America’s white middle-school young adults, seldom much better educated than their black co-pullers-down. Literature went if these white children didn’t like it and blacks couldn’t read it. Onand on.
This, and blacks complain that nothing is done for them?
What is to be done? A better question might be what can be done. Nothing, certainly, in the short term. The endumbment of schools and universities is in full flood with the enthusiastic endorsement of faculty and, usually, governments. Enforcement of laws declines, penalties are reduced or eliminated, police cowed. It being easier to eliminate laws than to reinstate them, which would probably lead to many burning cities, little is likely to change on this front. With children being steeped in the philosophy, if that is quite the word behind all of this, little seems likely to change for decades, if then.
Soon there will be none left who know what education is, or was, and the chain, once broken, will not easily be repaired.
Cities are now often governed by their black populations, or by black female mayors, black women seeming more able than the men. Blacks in these cities show no desire for improvement. If they did, they might begin by not shooting each other. Since they run their schools, they might insist on order and homework. If, for example, they wanted better textbooks, whites would happily provide them. Blacks could tell their girls to marry before reproducing. This is easy for me to say, yes. And of course even suggesting that blacks take responsibility for their lives is verboten.
The horrible truth is that the behavior of large populations springs from their underlying culture. Japan does not have an almost nonexistent rate of murder because it doesn’t have guns or does have lots of police but because the Japanese don’t kill each other. It isn’t in their culture. Homicide in America’s white suburbs is rare for the same reason. There are many, many guns in those suburbs. Nobody uses them. They are often there today, though few will say this, from fear of blacks.
Since the black culture that results in these miserable outcomes is impervious to outside influence, change is not likely.
People of good will, and others, talk about “root causes.” These usually include the lingering effects of slavery, genetics, the Great Society, racism, drugs, and culture. Well and good, but what effect does talking have? Nice people speak of large numbers of likeable, law-abiding and just plain good blacks, who exist. Fine, but speaking improves nothing. Others point out that in other times black society had far lower rates of all of its current ills. True, but we do not live in other times.
Call me dim, but it looks to me that all of America’s racial problems are getting worse and will continue getting worse, this in large part promoted by governments at all levels, by schools and universities and racial lobbies. Where is this going?
(Editor’s note: You can read more of Fred Reed’s work at