Posted on January 18, 2023

Biden’s DHS Launches App Allowing Migrants to Schedule Appointments at Southern Border for Release into U.S.

John Binder, Breitbart, January 14, 2023


This week, DHS officials announced the new component of the CBP One mobile app that will entice foreign nationals living in Mexico who are pregnant, mentally ill, elderly, disabled, homeless, or crime victims to schedule an appointment with CBP agents at the U.S.-Mexico border in the hopes of being released into American communities.
Foreign nationals in Mexico will submit their application for an appointment through the CBP One mobile app up to 14 days in advance. Foreign nationals would then be able to show up at eight Ports of Entry in Arizona, Texas, and California for their appointment.

The DHS announcement states:

Through a series of questions, CBP One will guide users to provide a live facial photograph and submit advance information that an undocumented noncitizen would normally provide during their inspection at a port of entry. Additionally, users must attest that when scheduling an appointment, that they, or a spouse or child accompanying them, meet specific vulnerability criteria for which they seek a humanitarian exception. [Emphasis added]

Following a noncitizen’s arrival at a designated land port of entry for their scheduled appointment, a CBP officer will determine the appropriate processing disposition. {snip}

RJ Hauman with the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) told Breitbart News that the mobile app “is one of the most jaw-dropping examples of the Biden administration’s eagerness to let everyone in under the veil of legitimacy.”

“Instead of trying to stop an unprecedented flow of migrants, they’re encouraging even more fraudulent asylum claims, while finding innovative ways to process them en masse,” Hauman said. {snip}
