Posted on August 4, 2022

Social Workers Receive Education Credits for ‘Recovery from White Conditioning’ Training

Spencer Linquist, Breitbart, August 2, 2022

A webinar series for social workers titled “Recovery from White Conditioning” was held by the University of Minnesota and the Center for Practice Transformation.

The series focused on how participants could become allies and purge themselves of internalized white supremacy.

The description explained that the “Model of Recovery from White Conditioning” is “a derivative work based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.” {snip}


The session even strives to reconstruct “a more inclusive sense of reality,” condemning our current understanding in its entirety as a product of white supremacist social conditioning.

The first step of the 12-step process is to admit that “we had been socially conditioned by the ideology of white supremacy.”

It continues to say that the course “involves white people, working in our community to transform violent legacies of whiteness into healthier, white, anti-racist community.”

In step 5, participants are called to offer a confession. {snip}

In step 8, participants were tasked with auditing their minds for remnants of white supremacy, engaging in an “ongoing study of our racial biases, conscious or unconscious, and our maladaptive patterns of white supremacist thinking.”

In the very last step, the participants are asked to share the messages of the session with other white people in order to assist others as they “seek help in recovering from white conditioning.” {snip}