Posted on July 25, 2022

New Medical School Standards Require ‘Competencies’ in ‘White Privilege,’ ‘Anti-Colonialism’

Breccan F. Thies, Breitbart, July 22, 2022

The Association of American Medical Colleges released new standards for teaching medicine that require students to achieve “competencies” in “white privilege,” “anti-colonialism,” and “race as a social construct,” among other race-essentialist ideas.

“Since the founding of the United States, there have been systemic health and health care inequities grounded in racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, and other forms of discrimination that still permeate our current health system,” the “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Competencies Across the Learning Continuum,” which the AAMC released this month, states.


They must also demonstrate the “value of diversity by incorporating dimensions of diversity into the patient’s health assessment and treatment plan” as well as “knowledge of the intersectionality of a patient’s multiple identities and how each identity may result in varied and multiple forms of oppression or privilege related to clinical decisions and practice.” [Emphasis added].


Those entering residency are also expected to identify “systems of power, privilege, and oppression and their impacts on health outcomes (e.g., White privilege, racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, religious oppression).”

“Articulat[ing] race as a social construct” is also required for young doctors because it is apparently “a cause of health and health care inequities,” though “not a risk factor for disease.”

This exercise is part of the AAMC’s push to practice “anti-racism and critical consciousness in health care.”

Further in that section, the AAMC identifies “colonization, White supremacy, acculturation, [and] assimilation” as “systems of oppression on health and healthcare.” [Emphasis added].


Indeed, the organization has some control over medical school accreditation and could threaten that unless a school complies with its race-medicine prescriptions. Similarly, the AAMC administers the MCAT — the medical college admissions test — where it can force medical students to be learned in the ideology at risk of failing and being unable to be accepted into medical schools.
