Posted on May 6, 2022

Belgium Reveals 7 Out of 10 ‘Child Migrants’ Actually Adults

Dan Lyman, Infowars, May 2, 2022


More than 3,300 ‘unaccompanied foreign minors’ entered Belgium last year.

Belgian authorities conducted age determination testing on approximately three-quarters of those migrants and discovered nearly seven out of ten were, in fact, adults.


“The Guardianship Service of the FPS Justice carried out 2515 age tests in order to verify these declarations. A total of 2435 decisions were made: at the end of the test, 69% were declared adults and 31% were declared minors.”

The revelation came as Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration Sammy Mahdi announced a slew of new objectives aimed at “streamlining” Belgium’s approach to welcoming and catering to child migrants.
