Posted on December 28, 2021

Minnesota Gives Non-White Patients Preferential Access to Life-Saving COVID Treatment

Kyle Hooten, Alpha News, December 24, 2021

Minnesota says healthcare providers should provide non-white patients with preferential access to monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). {snip}

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) says in a document titled “Ethical Framework for Allocation of Monoclonal Antibodies during the COVID-19 Pandemic” that “race and ethnicity alone, apart from other underlying health conditions, may be considered in determining eligibility for mAbs [monoclonal antibodies].”


Minnesota’s solution is to ration mAbs based on various health factors, each assigned a different score. {snip} Antibodies will be distributed based on these scores (highest numbers receiving treatment first) where supplies run low.

Here are the factors and their associated values:

  • Being BIPOC (2 points)
  • Age 65+ (2 points)
  • BMI 35 kg/m2 and higher (2 points)
  • Diabetes mellitus (2 points)
  • Chronic kidney disease (3 points)
  • Heart disease in patients ages 55+ (2 points)
  • Chronic respiratory disease in patients ages 55+ (3 points)
  • Hypertension in patients age 55+ (1 point)
  • Immunocompromised (3 points)
  • Pregnancy (4 points)

Based on this scoring metric, if two pregnant women, one black and the other white, visited a hospital with limited mAbs supplies, the black woman would receive priority because her score would be six, but the white woman’s score would only be four.


The state claims this policy is designed “to promote equity in access and address health disparities.”