Posted on January 19, 2021

Most Voters Oppose Slavery Reparations

Rasmussen Reports, January 11, 2021

A majority of voters are against proposals to have reparation payments for slavery funded by U.S. taxpayers, but think such payments are likely to be enacted now that Joe Biden has been elected President and Democrats control Congress.

Only 28% of Likely U.S. Voters think U.S. taxpayers should pay reparations to black Americans who can prove they are descended from slaves. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 58% are opposed to slavery reparations. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided. {snip}

Support for reparations has increased from 21% in April 2019; opposition is down from 66%.

Whether or not they support reparations themselves, however, 53% of voters say it is at least somewhat likely that the government will approve reparations payments to slavery descendants with Biden in the White House and Democrats controlling Congress. {snip}

Remarkably, voter groups that are more opposed to reparations are slightly more likely to believe Biden and Congress will approve payments to descendants of slaves. For example, 66% of white voters oppose reparations, but 53% of whites say it is at least somewhat likely the government will approve such payments, whereas 60% of black voters support reparations, but only 45% of blacks think the government is at least somewhat likely to approve payments.
