Posted on November 22, 2019

Average Black IQ by State (2019)

Audacious Epigone,, November 21, 2019

The following table and map show estimated mean black IQ by state from 2019 NAEP mathematics and reading results among non-Hispanic black eighth grade public school students. Estimates are computed by averaging mathematics and reading scores and then converting them to IQ scores assuming a national average IQ of 96 and a standard deviation of 15. One drawback is that these estimates do not account for the 10% of the school-age population either being homeschooled or attending private school. Due to insufficient student sample sizes, data is unavailable for ten states:

State IQ
DoDEA 96.1
1) Massachusetts 92.7
2) New Jersey 90.6
3) Maryland 89.9
4) Georgia 89.6
5) Virginia 89.5
6) Illinois 89.0
7) North Carolina 89.0
8) Connecticut 88.9
9) Florida 88.9
10) Colorado 88.8
11) Indiana 88.8
12) New York 88.7
T13) Delaware 88.6
T13) Tennessee 88.6
15) Arizona 88.5
16) Rhode Island 88.5
17) Texas 87.9
18) Mississippi 87.8
19) Kansas 87.6
20) Washington DC 87.6
21) North Dakota 87.5
22) Ohio 87.4
23) West Virginia 87.4
24) South Carolina 87.0
25) Missouri 87.0
26) Oklahoma 86.9
T27) Alaska 86.8
T27) Nevada 86.8
T29) Louisiana 86.8
T29) Pennsylvania 86.8
31) Michigan 86.7
32) Kentucky 86.4
33) Washington 86.4
34) Nebraska 85.8
T35) Maine 85.6
T35) Minnesota 85.6
37) Alabama 85.1
38) California 85.0
39) Arkansas 84.6
40) Iowa 84.4
41) Wisconsin 84.4

Average Black IQ By State

The eastern seaboard does relatively well, the upper Midwest not so much.

Black military brats are a cognitive cut above their civilian counterparts. They even modestly outperform whites in Alabama and West Virginia.

On the other hand, whites in 48 states and the nation’s capital outscore blacks in every state and in the military, and both racial groups have to a large extent shared the country for the better part of four hundred years. It’s probably time to stop the hand-wringing, accept things as they are, and try to make the best of the cards reality has dealt us.