Posted on July 19, 2019

Defendant in Miami-Dade Courtroom Throws Feces at Judge During Trial, Misses

Associated Press, June 21, 2019

Miami-Dade court officials say a man charged with burglary defecated during his criminal trial and tried to throw his feces at the judge.

Judge Lisa Walsh

Dorleans Philidor, 33, was sitting in a wheelchair next to Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Lisa Walsh when officials say he tried to throw his excrement at her. It did not reach her. There were no jurors present during Friday’s incident.

The Miami Herald reports Philidor yelled “It’s protein! It’s good for you!” during the incident.


Miami Dade Circuit Court spokeswoman Eunice Sigler says Philidor also defecated on himself in a holding cell Thursday.

Dorleans Philidor


It’s unclear whether he’ll face any charges involving the feces.