Posted on December 7, 2016

Hundreds Protest Speech by White Nationalist Richard Spencer at Texas A&M

Phil Helsel, NBC News, December 7, 2016

Hundreds of people protested a speech given by the white nationalist and member of the so-called alt-right, Richard Spencer, at the University of Texas A&M Tuesday.

The College Station, Texas, university did not invite Spencer to speak and said his views are “in direct conflict with our core values.” Spencer was invited to speak by a former student who rented out space on campus.

Law enforcement officers with riot shields were seen pushing protesters from areas inside the Memorial Student Center where Spencer was giving his speech. Several groups also protested the speech outside the building. The video was posted online by the college student newspaper The Battalion. Police said two people were arrested, and neither were students.

Inside, around 400 people turned out to see Spencer, some of whom jeered him, The Associated Press reported. There was at least one physical confrontation when the microphone was taken from a woman who repeatedly asked if Spencer was a racist.


The university held a counter event with music and speeches titled “Aggies United.” The event was billed as an opportunity to “stand together unwavering in our conviction that we are strongest when united.”
