Posted on November 11, 2016

Video: High School Girl Viciously Attacked for Supporting Donald Trump

Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars, November 11, 2016

Shocking footage out of California shows a high school girl being viciously beaten by another student for saying she supported Donald Trump on Instagram, the latest example of an anti-Trump hate crime wave sweeping the country.

Jade Armenio, a sophomore at Woodside High School, posted an Instagram update on Wednesday in support of President-elect Trump.

The footage shows a black student accuse Armenio of “hating Mexicans,” before launching a savage attack.

“Jade says the girl hit her, threw her to the ground and pulled at her earrings and hair. She was left with a bloody nose, scratches and bruises,” reports Mercury News.

The school said the girl responsible for the attack would be disciplined but failed to reveal whether she would be expelled for the brutal assault.
