Posted on March 23, 2016

Trend: 680,000 Green Cards Issued to Migrants from Muslim Nations in Only 5 Years

Caroline May, Breitbart, March 22, 2016

The federal government issued 680,000 green cards to migrants from majority-Muslim countries from 2009 to 2013, according to the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.

Federal data from the Department of Homeland Security shows that the U.S. issued the 680,000 green cards to migrants from Pakistan, Iraq, Bangladesh, Iran, Egypt, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Morocco, Jordan, Albania, Lebanon, Yemen, Indonesia, Syria, Sudan, and Afghanistan, among others, according to a Senate report issued in November. The individuals receiving green cards–which establish permanent residency in the U.S.–also include refugees. Immigrants from Muslim-run nations are the fastest-growing migrant bloc in the U.S.

The subcommittee notes–assuming no change in visa policy–the U.S. will issue another 680,000 green cards to migrants from majority-Muslim nations in the coming five years.

“The numbers could be higher still: Census Bureau data shows migration from the Middle East to be one of the fastest-growing categories,” the subcommittee’s analysis reads.

“Additionally, if left in place, the President’s refugee plan would substantially boost the annual number of migrants from this region admitted to the U.S. who, in turn, would be able to petition for their relatives to migrate to the U.S. in the future. Refugee and asylee admissions from Iraq, Somalia, and Iran alone contributed 124,000 individuals from FY09-FY13.”
