America’s ‘Last Chance’ Election?
Phyllis Schlafly, WND, February 2, 2016
On the eve of the Iowa caucuses, where the first ballots for the next president are cast, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who has not endorsed a candidate, gave a round of interviews declaring that 2016 “is the last chance for the American people to take back control of their government.”
“This election is different because we have pell mell erosion of law, the constitutional order, where President Obama has pushed an agenda that eviscerates the immigration legal system and pushed this trade agreement that will commence decades of transferring American economic power to an ever-expanding international commission. It’s just not going to stop.”
Our nation’s sovereignty depends on control of both immigration and trade, and that’s why Sen. Sessions urges voters to choose a candidate who promises to kill the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal with nearly a dozen Asian nations. A new study by economists at Tufts University predicts that U.S. ratification of the TPP would shrink our GDP by $100 billion, leading to a loss of 448,000 American jobs.
“This election will be the last chance for Americans to get control of their government,” said Sessions, after 30 years of promises to end illegal immigration. “I think this election is the big one.
“To win, Republicans need to demonstrate that they care about the average person who goes to work every day,” he added. Average Americans are tired of paying billions in welfare handouts to immigrants who are undermining U.S. wages.
“People should have total confidence and a clear commitment on those issues. If they don’t, then they don’t have my vote,” he said.
Our immigration policy has been anti-American, decade after decade, and the voters need to know that 2016 might be our last chance to elect a president who can reduce this tide of illegals crossing our borders. The interests of working Americans, their jobs, their wages, their hospitals, their schools, and the public safety, must “be put first,” Sessions urged.
“We need a president with the credibility to tell the world that the time of illegality is over. Do not come to this country unlawfully,” he said.
“Make sure–because this could be the last chance–that the vote you cast is for a person who is going to, with courage and steadfastness, fix the immigration system that’s so broken and is impacting adversely Americans’ safety, their wages, their hospitals, their schools, those kind of things,” Sessions said during an appearance on the Howie Carr radio program, which is heard throughout New Hampshire.